First BSSSC Board online meeting in 2021
Innovations, cultural and transnational projects, and initiatives, cohesion policy or youth cooperation - these are just some of the topics discussed during this year's first BSSSC Board meeting, which was held on February 24th on the ZOOM platform.
March 4, 2021
First meeting in a New Year
The meeting gathered nearly sixty people - representatives of member regions, partner organizations, and networks as well as the youth. The digital meeting, on behalf of Marshal Struk, was chaired by Marta Czarnecka - Gallas, BSSSC Secretary General.
A variety of topics and conversation expert
The topics discussed covered a wide range of issues. From plans for the near future through activities to the youth, to the commitment of the Pomorskie Region in new interregional projects. The Board meeting involved also experts from Latvia and Germany. The Pomorskie Region was represented by Ms Karolina Lipińska, deputy director of the Department of Economic Development of the Marshal Office. Mr Paweł Rygalski, acting director of the Regional Office of the Pomorskie Regional Office in Brussels, spoke about the current work agenda in the EU.
Special guests
Leading Baltic organizations and networks were invited to participate in the Board meeting. Information on the results was provided by Bernd Hemingway (CBSS), Lucille Ehrhart (BSC CPMR), Bodo Bahr (BSPC) and Sari Rautio, Member of the European Committee of the Regions, Chair of Baltic Sea Region Intergroup.
Next Board meeting is scheduled on June 11th.
Text by: Agata Birecka, Communication Officer