Eastern Norway County Network, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Delegation to EU – in cooperation with EU Commission DG Regio are organizing webinar about Norwegian experiences in macro-regional strategies and cooperation between EU members and Non-EU members.
The webinar will start at 13.30 on the 25th of February 2021.
The new Action Plan for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) focuses on mainstreaming cooperation with neighbouring non-EU members into all policy areas. Norway is closely connected to EU via the EEA-agreement and an active member of several organisations and networks in the Baltic Sea Region. Norway is also a full member of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme, and part of several cross-border programmes in the region.
The webinar will focus on the value of cooperation with neighbouring non-EU countries in EU Macro Regional Strategies, and present examples of good practises and new ideas for future cooperation.
More information about the webinar and registration link: