29th BSSSC Annual Conference
7 - 8 October 2021 in Kaliningrad, Russia
"Cooperation for a more sustainable Baltic Sea Region. New opportunities ahead"
Chairmanship Pomorskie
Two conference days, over 200 participants, 40 experts and panelists, three thematic sessions and four parallel workshops - this is the result of the 29th Annual Conference, organized in cooperation with the Kaliningrad Oblast as a part of Pomorskie Presidency of the Baltic Sea States Sub - regional Co - operation (BSSSC).
For the first time ever
Marshal Mieczysław Struk and Anton Alikhanov, Governor of Kaliningrad Region were hosts of the 29th BSSSC Annual Conference. This is yet the second edition of this event held under the auspices of the Pomorskie Voivodeship and the first in the history of the BSSSC organized in the hybrid formula. The event was held under the motto Cooperation for sustainable development of the Baltic Sea Region. New opportunities.
To quote Marshal Mieczysław Struk: "We do not want to focus only on the obstacles we face, but rather on solutions that we elaborate together. In this way we will overcome the present problems and guide us through the necessary changes into a good future for all citizens of the Baltic Sea Region ."
Notable personalities
The Annual Conference is the most important event for all the regions collaborating within the BSSSC network. The Conference is a chance to exchange experiences and to elaborate new ideas by involving specific experts as cross - sectorally as possible. The event was honored by Mr Normundus Poppens from DG Regio, Ms Ska Keller and Mr Rasmus Andresen (MEP). Among the invited guests were also Mr Olav Berstad on behalf of the Norwegian Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, Mr Igor Kapyrin on behalf of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ms Petra Gombalova Kyslingerova as the voice of the European External Action Service.
The participants of the BSSSC Annual Conference had a unique opportunity to take part in one of four thematic workshops, devoted to culture and climate change, green business, sustainable transport, and the environmental challenges facing the Baltic Sea.
The most important document for the BSSSC community is the Resolution. This joint declaration contains a number
of regional positions on the future of the Baltic Sea area - from youth integration to culture and climate changes to
cross-border cooperation and EU cohesion policy.
BSSSC finds it of vital importance to take an active part in the Conference on the Future of Europe and intends
to be a platform to voice the regional perspective being an important part of this future. BSSSC looks forward
to the outcomes of the Conference to make Europe and the Baltic Sea Region an even more democratic, inclusive,
safe, economically stable and climate - friendly place for us and future generations to come;
Presidency 2022 - 2023
The closing point of two days of one of the most important meetings for the BSSSC was the official announcement of next year's presidency. Marshal Mieczysław Struk informed that he would hand over the Baltic reins for the next two years to the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship, which will begin its presidency on January 1st, 2022.
Recordings of the conference can be found on YouTube: