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Annual Conference

The conference is the main forum for the organisation, where common ideas and interests are shared. The Conference shall be held annually, in autumn, at the invitation of the host region. The host region shall be designated on a rotating basis, to be determined annually at the Conference. The conference will mainly convene regional representatives but is also open to local authorities, state government representatives, EU-institutions, NGOs and other organisations.

In order not to exclude regions from the possibility of hosting the annual conferences a participation fee is introduced. The level of the fee will be decided by the Board as a part of the preparation for the conference.

BSSSC Annual Conference 2024
BSSSC Annual Conference 2024
19 Sept 2024, 12:30 CEST

Past Conferences


31st BSSSC Annual Conference


30th BSSSC Annual Conference


29th BSSSC Annual Conference

© Landeshauptstadt Kiel - Kai Teichmann

BSSSC Chairmanship


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Land Schleswig-Holstein

Fleethörn 29-31
24103 Kiel


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Unit for Baltic Sea Region Affairs


+49 431 988 - 2116

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