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Let's Communicate

Project Facts

Lead Partner:

Centrum Balticum Foundation (FI)


Other partners:

VASAB Secretariat (LV) Pomorskie in the European Union Association (PL) Baltic Development Forum (DK) Eastern Norway County Network (NO) Vilius Chamber of Commerce (LT) Baltic Sea Forum (DE)

Associated partners:

Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (SE) Baltic Sea Commission of CPMR Estonian Ministry for Foreign Affairs (EE)

Start date

June 2016

Completion date

April 2019

The “Let’s communicate!” project, funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, functions as the Communication Point of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).

The project aims to maintain and develop further the internal and external communications of the EUSBSR framework. It has a strong partnership consisting of representatives from all Baltic Sea region countries and pan-Baltic organisations.


“Let’s communicate!” administers the EUSBSR websiteTwitterFlickr and Youtube accounts. The project gathers current information about EUSBSR developments to its communication channels, promotes the use of the EUSBSR visual identity and provides with communication support and tools to the EUSBSR stakeholders. In addition, the project will reach out to new target groups in order to attract new stakeholders to take part in action.

More information:

Join the conversation on Twitter:  @EUSBSR #EUSBSR

BSSSC's role

Through the Eastern Norway County Network Chairmanship the BSSSC will prepare and carry out 3-4 thematic workshops in Norway together with relevant PAC/HACs in the project period. Each workshop with 30-40 participants from national, regional and local administration, academia, business support organisations/clusters, NGOs


We also want - in a more systematic way - to publish information and articles about the EUSBSR in Norway - using relevant web pages and newsletters (for example via ).  This also include presentation of information in Norwegian language.

BSSSC Chairmanship


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Land Schleswig-Holstein

Fleethörn 29-31
24103 Kiel


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Unit for Baltic Sea Region Affairs


+49 431 988 - 2116

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