We welcome 2021 with the new activities. Umbrella 2.0. project has officially started!

Photo by Ms Marta Czarnecka – Gallas, the first kick-off meeting, January 13th 2021
Umbrella 2. 0. was approved by the Swedish Institute and on January 13th officially kicked-off.
The BSSSC will work jointly with the Euroregion Baltic and the Union of the Baltic Cities to bring more newcomers on board to the Baltic Sea Region cooperation and to share more knowledge on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, UN SDGs, and the EU Green Deal.
The overall objective of the Umbrella 2.0. project is to raise awareness and knowledge of transnational & cross border cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region, following the principles of the EUSBSR, EU Green Deal and SDGs.
Umbrella 2.0. is dedicated to the local authorities as well as civil society organisations, especially so-called newcomers that are not active in the transnational cooperation at all, or have little experience in it. The idea is to widen participation if small NGOs, municipalities and practitioners in the Baltic Sea Region, involve them in a EUSBSR process and spread the values of the EU and UN SDGs in their daily work and activities.
What to expect from Umbrella 2.0.? An Awareness Raising Event, Meet - your – flagship transnational workshops, remote courses on project management and training sessions – all to engage local actors in the strategic levels of cooperation.
The BSSSC is pleased to be one of the project partners and is more than happy to contribute to involving and empowering local actors, civil society and the young generations for the sake of the Baltic Sea Region. The Umbrella 2.0 seems to the perfect tool to do it!
To find out more on Umbrella 2.0, click here (http://www.eurobalt.org/author/magda/).
text by Agata Birecka, BSSSC Communication Officer
January 14, 2021