Sustainable development and climate change
Mitigation and adaptation to the climat crisis
In the face of the climate crisis and most urgent need to address it on all levels of governance the BSSSC commits to promote the related issues and work for solutions in economic, social and environmental areas to help mitigate the problem and achieve sustainable development in all its dimensions. The BSSSC will follow the EU and UN work and the related documents and reports in the field.
The BSR is highly vulnerable to climate change and the capacities of all stakeholders must be used to design effective policies on mitigation and adaptation through a bottom-up and multi-sector approach as well as through in-depth information campaigns.
Energy & Climate
Rapporteur to BSSSC
Contact persons
Mr. Lars Lund Godbolt
Eastern Norway County Network
BSSSC will:
Promote and contribute as far as possible to promotion of the Green Deal among the regional and local policy-makers and civil society;
Cooperate with the Baltic 2030 unit in CBSS and take part in the Expert Group on Sustainable Development (EGSD). Contribute to the implementation of the Baltic 2030 Action Plan – adopted by the CBSS in June 2017;
Connect the work to actions of the Horizontal Action Climate in the EUSBSR - to follow up the local and regional actions with regard to Paris agreement;
Promote the SDGs in connection with the EUSBSR Annual Forum 2020 in Turku;
Support the ReGeneration 2030 process and its events such as Summit 2020 August 22-24 on the Åland Islands.