Cohesion Policy 2021-2027
Cohesion policy is the policy behind the hundreds of thousands of projects all over Europe that receive funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund (Cohesion Fund applies to EU Member States which have a GDP lower than 90 % of the EU-27).
The prominent role of cohesion policy for the regions around the BSR requires a constant focus from the side of BSSSC. The work with regard to Cohesion Policy and the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) beyond 2020 is ongoing. BSSSC has fed into the process and responded to the European Commission’s proposals. BSSSC will continue to monitor the development, follow up its policy papers and keep its network of regions informed. Cohesion policy is an effective investment policy that contributes strongly to growth and jobs in Europe and BSR, and the policy has benefitted the citizens of all EU Member States and supported them during difficult economic times.
BSSSC will:
Continue to promote the interests of the BSR sub-regions towards the European Commission, the European Parliament, national authorities and others with regard to Cohesion Policy beyond 2020;
Follow the process constantly and monitor the development;
Advocate its policy papers with political requirements given as input to the process and – if needed - develop additional position papers;
Emphasise the need for territorial cooperation - among others in view of the EUSBSR - and strive for more financial resources to Interreg post-2020;
Promote the cooperation with neighbouring countries and a smooth system for project development and implementation;
Continue to lobby for radical simplification for better delivery of results from Cohesion Policy;
Give input to and take part in the development of a next-generation Interreg BSR programme 2021 – 2027 as a stakeholder organisation.
The BSSSC Board has decided to maintain a rapporteurship on cohesion policy for the 2020-2021 Pomorskie Chairmanship. Land Brandenburg, Germany in cooperation with the ad hoc Working Group on Cohesion Policy are the responsible rapporteurs on this area.
Cohesion Policy Rapporteurs to BSSSC Contact persons
Mr. Reiner Kneifel-Haferkamp
Brandenburg, Germany
Ms Marta Czarnecka-GallasPomorskie Voivodeship, Poland