Solidarity, participation and smart action for a better future
26th BSSSC Annual Conference
September 10-12, 2018, Gdansk, Poland
The BSSSC Annual Conference 2018 came to and end. This year the topic was on on Solidarity, Participation and Innovation.
Solidarity – in all its aspects: as an EU value that we have forgotten about to a great extent, and the result of implementing this value on the EU level is, for instance, cohesion policy.
Solidarity – as a broader understood human value for instance, the issue of immigrants.
Solidarity – as a generation issue – understanding how the state and state budget operate – that it has to be a solidarity issue to a great extent, where the young and elderly people are mutually responsible for healthy solutions and where the youth and healthy work to pay the elderly.
Solidarity - as a historical phenomenon – Poland’s social movement Solidarity, where it has brought us, what it has meant for Europe and the Baltic Sea Region.
Participation - the global situation has changed so much that we have to redefine democratic models. There is a an urgent need to discuss democracy, especially with the youth, to involve them in a better way.
There is also a stronger need for us to work on participation issues because the current times (with aspects such as the internet media, social media, etc) demand a broader participation of citizens.
Innovation- Being smart in all the social and economic spheres – a social innovation approach.
Being innovate and smart using new tools such as culturability, which is about solving social problems with bigger participation of citizens and using art and culture.