25th BSSSC Annual Conference Resolution

Main messages
BSSSC underlines the need for cooperation cross sectors, cross boarders, between all levels of government - involving citizens (especially the young generation) and relevant actors in the BSR to make a better Europe.
BSSSC stresses that EU Cohesion Policy promotes stability, contributes to reducing development disparities between European regions and therefore should be well-resourced in the next funding period. It supports investments and strengthens sustainable economic development in Europe and should be continued post 2020 for all regions. ETC is of high relevance for integration, prosperity and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. The BSSSC calls for the ETC to be systematically strengthened.
BSSSC promotes the principles of Subsidiarity and multilevel governance in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and stresses the importance of involving the youth voice.
BSSSC recognises the importance of dialogue and cooperation with Russia and strives for involvement of the sub-regional level in the Northern Dimension.
BSSSC supports all genuine possibilities of the young people to participate in the governance of their municipality and/or school and influencing the decisions taken through access to public discussions. BSSSC calls on politicians in municipalities and regions around the BSR to facilitate youth involvement in political processes as well as allocating funding in support of concrete projects for youth involvement.
Sustainable Development cannot be achieved by one region alone but rather by increasing coordination and cooperation. BSSSC commits itself as voice of the sub-regions in the CBSS Expert Group for Sustainable Development (EGSD) and to advocate and support the implementation of the Baltic 2030 Action Plan.
The BSSSC is encouraging the states and regions in the BSR to take a common view of key transport development actions with their direct neighbours in the framework of the “Northern Dimension Partnership on Transport and Logistics” and with the EU Eastern Partnership countries. BSSSC supports the position of the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission to extend the ScanMed and the North Sea-Baltic Corridors along the Gulf of Bothnia.
The BSSSC welcomes the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 (ECHY 2018) as an excellent opportunity to highlight the cultural heritage assets of the Baltic Sea region and herewith direct public awareness to our common cultural roots. BSSSC calls on the EU and the governments of the BSR to pursue promotional measures also beyond 2018, and to improve the funding opportunities for transnational and cross border projects in the area of culture, cultural heritage and identity building.
BSSSC welcomes Smart Specialisation as an effective model for increasing regional competitiveness based on innovation ecosystems and collaboration platforms in the Baltic Sea Region and in the EU. BSSSC stresses that Smart Specialisation strategies should be maintained and reinforced post 2020 with a stronger focus on trans-national, cross-border and cross-sectoral cooperation.
BSSSC calls for stronger efforts at the EU, national and regional level to support the competitiveness of the different sectors of the maritime economy. Protecting the Baltic Sea is one of the key issues in the Maritime Policy area, and BSSSC strongly supports the initiative to update the Baltic Sea Action Plan in the forthcoming ministerial meeting in 2018.