18th BSSSC Annual Conference
12-14 October 2010 in Tallinn, Estonia
Chairmanship Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
The 18th BSSSC Annual Conference took place in Tallinn, Estland from 12 to 14 October 2010. The conference put the focus on activities and improvements related to the field of qualification. The event offered the opportunity to learn and discuss about the chances, challenges and changes of the Baltic Sea Region towards a knowledge-based society.
As one outcome BSSSC and its partner regions agreed to a resolution with guidelines which shall direct the implementation process of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. It contains essential approaches to enhance the education and the labour market in the regions.
The BSSSC Annual Conference was enriched by two interesting side events: the BSSSC Youth Event on 11-12 October with 50 young people from all around the Baltic Sea and the Project Idea Café organized by the Baltic Sea Region Programme. The Project Idea Café is a creative meeting place for sharing project ideas and finding project partners.
The conference showed that qualification is increasingly becoming a key factor that determines the future economic and social development of regions. The Baltic Sea Region needs to move faster towards a knowledge society to ensure the continued wellbeing of its people in the light of challenges posed by demographic trends and globalization. This work has already started.
Around 300 delegates from all regions around the Baltic Sea as well as representatives of Ministries, pan-Baltic organizations and the European Commission visited Tallinn. In conjunction with the BSSSC Annual Conference the 1st Annual Forum the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region took place from the 14-15 October at the same venue.