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BSSSC Youth Seminar in the Annual EUSBSR forum

BSSSC organised in co-operation with Union of Baltic Cities and Euroregion Baltic a workshop on youth affairs called "Nothing on Us without Us" on November 8th at the 7th annual EUSBSR Forum in Stockholm.

Statements for EUBSR from the workshop ”Nothing about us – without us!”


We, the youth of the BSR, want for the region towards 2030:

  • Real inclusion of the youth – whatever level, whether it be local, regional, national or macroregional - whatever kind of politics is being made. The youth of the BSR have real opinions and want to share their ideas and be part of the discussion

  • Youth not to treated as a subject – we would like to be talked with instead of to (we need to see youth as a diverse group, we can´t talk about youth as a single agreeing unit)

  • Debating lowering the voting age at local, regional and national level

  • Politics made understandable to all citizens – why have 1000 pages when you only need one

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