Help localise Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at our Annual Conference
The BSSSC is cooperating with Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Baltic 2030 unit in their work on the UNs sustainable development goals. We need your input on SDG bottlenecks – come share them at our workshop during the BSSSC 25th Annual Conference
The workshop Baltic 2030: Localizing Sustainable Development Goals is one of four workshops from 1430-1630 on September 21, Day 1 of our Annual Conference in Potsdam, Germany. The workshop aims to inform the participants of the CBSS Baltic 2030 work on the Sustainable Development Goals, through work such as their recently approved Action Plan (Baltic 2030: Realizing the vision) which was endorsed June 20 2017 by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic Sea Region and a representative of the EU.
Realizing the Vision: The Baltic 2030 Action Plan responds to the mandate, given by the CBSS member states (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Russia) in the Baltic 2030 Declaration of 6 June 2016, to create an action plan of cooperative and synergistic work to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region. This plan was made by the Baltic 2030 unit alongside an Expert Group on Sustainable Development (EGSD) which consists of experts from different levels of governance around the Baltic Sea Region. The BSSSC is and has been participating in the group. The approval of the Baltic 2030 Action Plan is an important landmark for the CBSS and BSSSC because it presents a new, common vision of sustainable development for the Baltic Sea Region. It applies the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals to the Baltic Sea macro-regional context and provides a general road map for working together — across all countries, sectors, and stakeholders — to achieve them.
Now the CBSS wants to focus on going from talk to work and has therefore initiated a project where they want to address the implementation challenges towards the achievement of the SDGs – both on a national and Baltic Sea Region level. They are, amongst other things, creating an open learning platform for sharing knowledge, best practices and raising awareness on SDGs and Baltic 2030. Their new project will be presented during the workshop and as a participant of the Annual Conference you have the ability to give your thoughts on the direction of the road ahead.
Read the whole action plan here.
Read the Annual Conference programme here.