BSSSC Strategy 2030

The BSSSC Strategy 2030 is the new strategy guiding the work of the BSSSC towards 2030. The process of creating the strategy has been a priority of the Norwegian Chairmanhip throughout 2019 and has been the topic during several of the BSSSC Board Meetings during the last year. To make sure the strategy is anchored in the opinions of the Board members and the active regions of the BSSSC, several workshops have been conducted as well as an online survey. The new vision and strategy has as well had a major graphical overhaul, thus we recommend downloading the PDF.
- BSSSC Secretariat, December 2019.
BSSSC Strategy 2030
Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC) was established in 1993 in Stavanger (Norway) based on an initiative of some of the Baltic Sea Region Foreign Ministers who established the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) in 1992. The Ministers wanted a platform for dialogue with regions around the Baltic Sea, and BSSSC continues to make use of its role as a regional partner to CBSS promoting and advocating the interests of the regions. BSSSC acts as an open, non-party political, network organisation with no membership fee, representing the interests of all regions around the Baltic Sea.
BSSSC strives for bottom-up approaches – promoting the interests of local and regional authorities and youth – in national and EU policy. BSSSC strongly advocates the principles of good governance – the rule of law, participation, transparency, efficiency, equity, accountability, responsiveness and consensus. Based on solidarity, understanding, cooperation and joint approaches BSSSC seeks to optimise its work through synergies with other organisations and structures – taking into account the Baltic 2030 Action Plan, initiated by CBSS, based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) and the Northern Dimension (ND).
BSSSC Vision 2030
To facilitate dialogue, partnerships and strengthen interregional cooperation in line with the SDGs - creating a more sustainable, better accessible and more prosperous Baltic Sea Region (BSR) – putting local and regional policy makers and the young generation at the heart of its work.
BSSSC strategic objectives towards 2030 are to
mainstream SDGs in all its work and stimulate learning, peer reviews, and exchange of good practises among BSR regions
be a strong and recognised platform to voice the interests of the regions in BSR
become part of the EUSBSR governance structure representing regional authorities in relevant policy areas and horizontal areas
actively engage in policy discussions and lobby work on topics of particular relevance for the regions - towards decision makers, such as national governments, the EU institutions and inter-governmental organisations
be a platform for project development, partner search and dissemination of project ideas and results as well as an arena for exchange of best practises
become a networking arena for dialogue between public and private sector - making use of its Annual Conferences
continue to be a platform for young people in the BSR and to strengthen youth participation in all BSSSC policy work as well as in the EUSBSR context and beyond
Important policy areas for the BSSSC work are
Cohesion policy and programmes – in particular Interreg - 2021 – 2027 and beyond (SDGs: 10, 16, 17)
Environment, climate, energy and circular economy (SDGs: 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
Transport and accessibility – transport corridors and clean transport (SDG 9, 11)
Maritime policy - Blue Economy and protection of the marine environment (SDGs: 8, 9, 14)
Culture and creativity (SDGs: 8, 11)
Youth involvement and empowerment – supporting the establishment of a One Youth Platform (SDGs: 4, 10, 16)
The strategy will be the basis for bi-annual work plans prepared by the BSSSC Chairmanships and guide the work of the organisation towards 2030.