BSSSC Annual Conference 2019
Wed, 18 Sept
|Klaipeda University
The BSSSC Annual Conference 2019 will take place in Klaipeda, Lithuania 18 till 20 September. The focus will be on sustainable maritime economy – BSSSC regions shaping the future of the Blue economy in the Baltic Sea Region. Registration will open soon!

Time & Location
18 Sept 2019, 19:00 EEST – 20 Sept 2019, 13:00 EEST
Klaipeda University, H. Manto g. 84, Klaipėda 92294, Lithuania
About the event
September 18
Youth event
BSSSC Board meeting 12:00 - 18:00
19:00 – 20:30 Get-together reception (youth, board and conference participants and guests)
Free evening
September 19
09:00 – 10:00 Registration and coffee
Moderator: Andrius Sutnikas, Klaipeda Science & Technology Park
10:00 – 10:30 Opening session – welcome
- BSSSC Chairman, Roger Ryberg
- Chair of the Association of Klaipeda Region,
- Mayor of Klaipeda City, Vytautas Grubliauskas
- Lithuanian Ministry of Economy and Innovation, Vice Minister Gintaras Vilda (tbc)
10:30 – 11:00 Keynote speeches – inspiration
• Helena Tuuri, Chair of the National Coordinator Group, EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Finland (tbc)
• Angela Schultz-Zehden, Submariner Network
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break - networking
11:30 – 13:00 Panel debate - blue economy impact on BSR with politicians, business and experts (participants will be chosen from the contributors to the sessions)
Moderator: Tom Kleppestö, CEO Shipping & Offshore Network
13:00 – 14:00 Networking lunch
14:00 – 15:30 First round of parallel sessions
Session 1
Shaping the future of shipping. What is needed to support the Baltic Sea region maritime industry to take the digital leap
This session will invite policy makers and professionals from maritime sector to discuss what the current state of digitalisation in maritime industry is, what the successful digitalisation of processes requires from the maritime industry end-users, and what is needed in terms of regulation and incentives to support a prosperous development within the sector.
Responsible: ECOPRODIGI project
Session 2
Coastal and Maritime tourism role in the Blue economy sector of the BSR
The coastal and maritime tourism sector is one of the five focus areas of the EU’s Blue Growth Strategy. Coastal and maritime tourism is the largest maritime activity in Europe and employs almost 3.2 million people, generating a total of € 183 billion in GVA and representing over 1/3 of the maritime economy. Tourism Cooperation and its potential of the blue economy in the Baltic Sea Region have gained visibility and attention in the recent years but it requires more discusses between BSR countries and its especially within its coastal regions for future development of this sector.
This session will invite different level policy makers and experts, business from tourism sector to discuss and share insights about the future of tourism development in the Baltic sea region, from macro-level to the local communities’ level by focusing on a coastal and maritime tourism. The session will focus as well on how to make better added value of existed transregional and transnational partnerships, build better collaboration ecosystems, and it will explore the next steps in the cooperation and suggestions for the EU BSRS post 2020.
Experts from the Baltic sea Tourism centre will share important take-aways with the insights, statistics & figures on the coastal and maritime tourism.
Responsible: Baltic Sea tourism Centre team
Session 3
Marine litter: towards a cleaner Baltic Sea
Marine litter is a clearly visible problem along the Baltic Sea coastline, and microlitter – although often invisible – is of equal concern. No matter its shape and size, marine litter upsets the sea’s biota and human connection to the sea. During the recent years, the issue of marine litter, and especially plastics, has been gaining global attention as one of the most emerging environmental issues of our times. Every year, large quantities of plastics – including microplastics – end up in the oceans and seas due to human activity, causing serious environmental, social and economic impacts.
Rapid growth of the plastics production during the past 50 years together with often lacking waste management solutions as well as our throw-away culture and irresponsible behaviour bring extra challenge to the problem. Hence, global, regional, national and local level cooperation is needed to overcome the marine litter challenge. This session will present the current situation and the different approaches to the marine litter issue from global to municipal levels, and address policy options and measures for a cleaner Baltic Sea.
Introduction (12 min)
Aaron Vuola, HELCOM Project coordinator (FanpLesstic-sea): Setting the scene, global considerations on marine litter, and introduction of the agenda and participants
Presentations (48 min)
Marta Ruiz, HELCOM Associate Professional Secretary: the regional and HELCOM perspective on marine litter, including the State of the Baltic Sea and the Marine Litter Regional Action Plan (12min)
(speaker tbc): science/research perspective on marine litter (12min)
(speaker tbc): local government perspective on marine litter (12min)
(speaker tbc): private sector perspective on marine litter (12min)
Panel discussion (30 min)
Panel discussion: four panellists (the four speakers, moderated by Aaron Vuola)
Q&A with audience
Responsible: HELCOM and the FanpLESStic-sea project
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break - networking
16:00 – 17:30 Second round of parallel sessions
Session 4
LNG Value Chain for Clean Shipping, Green Ports and Blue Growth
LNG as a fuel is both a proven and available solution. LNG offers huge advantages, especially for ships in the light of ever-tightening emission regulations. While different technologies can be used to comply with air emission limits, LNG technology is a smart way to meet existing and upcoming requirements for the main types of emissions (SOx, NOx, PM, CO2). As the LNG became available for Maritime transport it opens up the possibilities for other transport modes and sustainable solutions such as LBG for transport
• Go LNG- building value chain for lNG in BSR 15 min- Andrius Sutnikas, Leader Go LNG
• LNG competence centre- knowledge development for enabling LNG in BSR- Stefan Jankwski, coordinate LNG competence centre BSR
• BSR LNG business cluster enabling LNG business partnerships- Sharlotte Vinding, cluster coordinator.
• LNG for maritime transport DNVGL- TBC
• Moderated discussion - Moderator Tom Kleppestø, CEO NOSN
Responsible: GoLNG project
Session 5
Potential of maritime cultural heritage (MCH) for Blue Economy
Moderators: Krista Karro & Maili Roio, Estonian National Heritage Board
Maritime spatial planning is part of spatial planning as a whole. This session aims to bring together practices used in different countries in integrating maritime and underwater cultural heritage into maritime spatial planning process and also into Blue Economy sectors to sketch some preliminary future scenarios based on existent projects and national maritime spatial plans.
The session is open not just for BalticRIM partners, but also for practicioners and specialists outside the project to have a wider look into the topic. The session is also open for those who are interested in the management of maritime and underwater cultural heritage in the context of maritime spatial planning.
Block 1: General discussion on maritime and underwater cultural heritage in the context of maritime spatial planning
1. Maritime planning and UNESCO underwater heritage convention
Arturo Rey da Silva, Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma
2. The role of Maritime Cultural Heritage (MCH) and Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) in different Blue Economy sectors
Maili Roio, Estonian National Heritage Board
Block 2: Country-based examples how MCH and UCH have been considered in national spatial plans.
1. The Estonian national maritime spatial plan as an example
2. Synergy effects in Schleswig-Holstein’s Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
Daniel Zwick, State Archaeology Department of Schleswig-Holstein)
Time for comments, questions & answers. Especially appreciated are comments about examples on national maritime planning from other BSR countries.
Responsible: BalticRIM project
Session 6
Blue economy as a driver for growth and sustainability of coastal regions
The Blue Bio-economy is an important pillar for achieving sustainable and resource-efficient Blue Growth. The Blue Platform project (Interreg BSR 2018-2021) - led by the Finnish Environment Institute and the SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth synthesizes, promotes and encourages the uptake of results from the numerous Blue Bio-economy projects within the Baltic Sea Region. The project focuses on topics ranging from mussel and algae cultivation, legislation issues, innovative aquaculture systems, maritime planning, biotechnology and much more. This workshop will showcase the involvement of regions in the Blue Bio-economy and form a discussion platform for how regions can become more actively involved and take the lead in Blue Bio-economy sectors specifically.
• Blue platform project presentation
• Case Blue biotech
• Case aquaculture
Responsible: Blue Platform
19:30 Get together dinner with culture
September 20
09:00 Opening of day 2 – keynotes
Vice President of European Committee of Regions, Markku Markkula (tbc)
CBSS Expert Group on Sustainable Maritime Economy, IntaInta Rozensteine, chair under Latvian Presidency 2018-2019 (tbc)
10:00 Capacity building in the Blue Economy (in parallel meetings of projects)
Including input from youth event
11:00 Future – what to expect – tools and programmes
• EU Commission, DG MARE – Ms. Reka Rozsavolgyi (tbc)
• EU Commission, DG Regio – Mr. Pekka Jaunila (tbc)
11:30 Closing session
• Presentation of Conference Resolution
• Host region – Chair of Association of Klaipeda Region
• BSSSC Chairman, Roger Ryberg
• Presentation of next chairmanship of BSSSC
• Welcome to Annual Conference 2020
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Buss to Palanga airport