Smart specialisation and Bio-economy
The BSSSC believes that the digital future with its tools and methods will offer tremendous opportunities within education and lifelong learning as well as support to science, creativity and innovation in the BSR regions. At the same time, the digitization of private and economic spheres carries substantial risks, e.g. for the social cohesion of our societies and the security of data and digitized infrastructure.
The concept of smart specialisation has proven to be successful in fostering innovation by strengthening the competitive advantages and development potentials of regions.
Bio-economy offers great opportunities for accelerating growth and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. The crosscutting nature of bio-economy calls for new ways of working and cooperating, as well as new processes, services and products that can contribute to a greener future.
Bio-economy development creates business opportunities in both urban and rural areas with circular management of material flows and energy and effective innovation ecosystems. BSSSC believes that existing development projects and business examples in BSR deliver concrete experiments of innovation ecosystems as a basis for continuous development together.
BSSSC will:
Cooperate with the relevant Policy Area Coordinators in the EUSBSR;
Take part in the Advisory Board of the RDI2Club project;
Formulate political requirements of the regions towards decision-making bodies on the topics concerned;
Provide meeting places and be a platform for stakeholder engagement and share of good practises and disseminate best practise examples from projects and governance models;
Take an active role in following and promoting blue and green economy projects in the BSR via Submariner network;
Follow the work and be an associated partner in the Interreg BSR projects:
- RDI2Club (Rural RDI milieus in a transition towards smart Bio-economy Clusters and innovation ecosystems).
- Smart-Up BSR (Improving smart specialisation implementation of the Baltic Sea Region through orchestrating innovation hubs).Cooperate with the relevant Policy Area Coordinators in the EUSBSR.
Growth, jobs and innovation
Rapporteur to BSSSC
Häme Region, FI
Contact persons