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BSSSC Youth Declaration  

The BSSSC Youth Declaration from the BSSSC Youth Event 2018 is now ready. Read it below - or watch it above!

The youths looked at six areas in their youth spring event meeting in Finland April 18-20. The declaration thus containts statements on the following topics:

1.    Challenges, positive things and solutions related to the smart future
2.    Challenges and solutions for creating green cities
3.    Challenges and ideas regarding silver and youth 
4.    Challenges and ideas regarding the digitalization of the Baltic region 
5.    Challenges and ideas regarding an active youth involvement
6.    Feedback from the youth and suggestions for future youth events



Youth underline the safety in personal data and protection of consumer data. They also propose that educational systems need to be updated to respond the fast growing digitalization. People need to get education in digital competence and usage of social media.


The youth say that they are using several kinds of apps besides e-mail or Facebook. They say that we need a variety of social media channels and applications, where politicians can meet youth and have conversations and debates on youth issues. This is how we get all the youth voice out, not just the politically active ones.


Green Cities will not be achieved without co-actions


The youth were conscious about the environment, demand recycling in all public areas. They want Green Certificates to all public buildings, including schools.


They are worried of pollution and they want to encourage people to use public transportation as more sustainable alternative. Public transportation has to be easily available for all, and eco-friendly. This is the only way we can move towards Green Cities.


Decision makers - be brave and involve youth in decision-making!


The youths have a clear message for decision makers:

– Next time in decision-making, involve us from the very beginning - It will save money too!


The youths further underline the importance of the youth councils and wish that youth councils would get the ability to propose things directly to the regional councils and governments.

Read the declaration


02. June 2018

BSSSC Chairmanship


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Land Schleswig-Holstein

Fleethörn 29-31
24103 Kiel


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Unit for Baltic Sea Region Affairs


+49 431 988 - 2116

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