20.09 Draft programme Day 0
University of Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 12, Obere Mensa, 1st Floor
18-20.09.2017: BSSSC Youth Conference, Schloss Trebnitz
20.09.2017: BSSSC Board Meeting
21.-22.09.2017: Project guidance by the Interreg programmes + Project exhibitions .
22.09.2017: Project idea café - partner and funding matchmaking (Interreg programmes)
1900 – 2200 Get together reception at the University of Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 12, Obere Mensa, 1st Floor.
Speeches by
- Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D., President of the University of Potsdam
- Thomas Kralinski, State Secretary, Head of the Brandenburg State Chancellery
21.09 Draft programme Day 1
Kongresshotel Potsdam
am Templiner See
Am Luftschiffhafen 1
830 – 1000 Registration
1000 – 1100 Session 1: Welcome
Moderator: Christin Skiera
- Roger Ryberg, Chairman of BSSSC
- Stefan Ludwig, Brandenburg Minister of Justice, for European Affairs and Consumer Protection
- Sibylle Katharina Sorg, Director for Relations with European Union Member States, Cross-Border and Regional Cooperation, German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin.
- Helmut Scholz, Member of the European Parliament
- Peter Schenk, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
1100 coffee break
1130 – 1300 Session 2: Cohesion - a concept for togetherness?
Key Note Speeches:
Markku Markkula, Vice-President, Committee of the Regions.
Panel debate:
Ingrid Schulerud, Deputy head of the Norwegian Delegation to EU in Brussels
Anne Quart, Brandenburg State Secretary of Justice, for European Affairs and Consumer Protection
Bernd Hemingway, Deputy Director of the CBSS secretariat
Markku Markkula, Vice-President Committee of the Regions
1300 - 1430 Lunch with project presentations.
1430 – 1630 Session 3: Parallel thematic workshops
European Cultural Heritage Year
Moderator: Stefan Musiolik, Ministry of Justice, Europe, Consumer Protection and Equality of Land Schleswig-Holstein / EUSBSR PA Culture.
14:00 Getting in the mood for the topic
Presentation of BSR Culture
14:15 Opening statements
From a cultural perspective
Larry Okey Ugwu, Director Baltic Sea Cultural Centre Gdansk
From the perspective of the youth
Martin Rümmelein, BSSSC Youth
14:45 Panel debate including the audience
Ingrid Galadriel Aune Nilsen, Project Manager Hands on History, Norway
Magdalena Fryze, European Solidarity Centre, Gdansk
Martin Rümmelein, BSSSC Youth
Vaida Venckuté-Nagé, Youth program curator European Capital of Culture Kaunas 2022
15:45 Wrapping up
2. Moving towards smart specialisation 2.0 – maximising Baltic Region innovation potential
Moderator: Krista Taipale, Head of International Affairs, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council
This workshop discusses smart specialisation (S3) as a future oriented, innovation based regional development tool in the Baltic Sea region. It focuses on regional innovation ecosystems, showcases EU-funded smart specialisation projects, and provides information about available EU-funding for joint projects in the Baltic Sea Region. It also contributes to the debate about the future of EU´s cohesion policy and the role of smart specialisation after 2020.
Regional Innovation ecosystems and smart specialization, Markku Markkula, Vice-president, Committee of the Regions
Implementing EU´s Baltic Sea Strategy by smart specialization, Niklas Forsling, EUSBRS Policy Area Coordinator Innovation, Nordic Council of Ministers
Smart Specialisation – Experiences from Helsinki-Uusimaa region, Ossi Savolainen, Regional Mayor
Interreg Baltic Sea programme, fostering smart specialization
GoSmart BSR, Wiesław Urban, Professor, Bialystok University of Technology
Smart Blue Regions, Carsten Beyer, Managing director, Submariner Network
Panel discussion by the speakers.
3. Northern Dimension and Transport
Moderator, Rune Bakkevoll, Chief advisor, Akershus County Council
“Cross-border transport cooperation for growth and development”, Oddgeir Danielsen, Director Northern dimension partnership on transport and logistics (MDPTL))
“European Cohesion and togetherness, the only way towards a fossil free future in the transport sector”, Ms. Valentine William, project and policy officer, Hydrogen and fuel cells and Electro-mobility in European Regions (HYER)
Panel debate with keynote speakers - moderated by Oddgeir Danielsen, Director Northern dimension partnership on transport and logistics (MDPTL)
«Cross border cooperation on transport in shifting times”
4. Baltic 2030 Action Plan: Localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Moderator (Krista Kampus, Head of Baltic 2030 unit in CBSS)
Krista Kampus, Head of Baltic 2030 unit in CBSS. Introduce an overview on SDGs and Baltic 2030 Action plan, and what that means for the Baltic Sea Region and for macro-regional cooperation.
Thematic contributions:
Thematic expert intervention. Birgitta Englin, Senior Adviser, Global Utmaning.
Sub-regional perspective. Håkon Noren, Oppland County, Norway.
Moderated discussion
Summing up and recommendations to the Baltic 2030 Action Plan work.
1630 - 1700 coffee break
1700 – 1815 Session 4: Wrap up and way forward
- Reports from workshops and Youth Conference.
Looking towards 2030: Next Steps for the Baltic Sea Region
Keynote speech: -Ulf Savbäck, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
1830 Entertainment
Hornist Quartett, Potsdam Music School
1900 Dinner
2200 End of day 1
0900 - 10:45 Project idea café - partner and funding matchmaking (Interreg programmes)
0900 Session 5, Part 1: Practical experiences with current programmes and projects.
Moderator: Christin Skiera
Presentations and Panel debate:
Alexandra Ehlers, Youth council Schleswig Holstein.
Sebastian Magier, Euroregion Baltic.
1015 – 1045 Coffee break
1045 - 1230 Session 5, Part 2: The European Territorial Cooperation and macro regional strategies – state of play and ways forward
Moderator: Mr. Reiner Kneifel-Haverkamp
Keynote: Peter Schenk, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
Panel debate:
Susanne Scherrer, MA/Joint Secretariat of the Interreg BSR program
Ulf Savbäck, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
Radomir Matczak, Department of Regional and Spatial Development Marshal Office of the Pomorskie Region, Poland
1230 - 1300 Session 6: Closing session.
Presentation of conference resolution 2017 by Ann Irene Saeternes, BSSSC Secretary General.
End speech by Stefan Ludwig, Brandenburg Minister of Justice, for European Affairs and Consumer Protection
Welcome to the next BSSSC Annual Conference 10-12 September 2018 in Gdansk, Poland, by Deputy Marshall Byczkowski, Pomerania Region.
Farewell - Roger Ryberg, BSSSC Chairman
1300 Lunch
1400 End of conference
22.09 Draft programme Day 2
Kongresshotel Potsdam
am Templiner See
Am Luftschiffhafen 1