The youth is here!
BSSSC Spring Youth Event 2022
29 and 30 April 2022
Drøbak Resolution
"On behalf of the youth from the Baltic Sea regions we would like to present the results of our work"- Julia Orluk and Andreas Schoop
Youth representatives in the BSSSC Board
Proposed actions:
Spread structured information using more specific messages, which are adapted to a
young target group and are kept short, as well as being more present on social
To provide local/regional youth coordinators in regions where none exist and a budget for them.
Regular, more frequent meetings of the BSSSC youth. These meetings will increase the sense of belonging to the BSSSC, will introduce the activities of the board to the youth, and will form and result in stronger youth delegations from each region, to work more consistently and fruitfully.
Better cooperation between regions (e.g. in projects, stronger cooperation between
neighboring regions as West Pomerania and Brandenburg Youth are starting to do).
Treating young people as equal partners in discussions, by providing information,
concrete plans, goals, and time for young people to understand the agenda of
Our main topics:
Climate change and a healthy Baltic
the first step on this path is now the implementation of the plan for decommissioning
dumped munitions into the regional policy
Regional youth representation
creating lasting cooperation with young people will strengthen the democratic nature of BSSSC and a stronger European community
Peace and human rights
Freedom and a safe region, we look forward to the deepening of cooperation in theBaltic Sea region to more strongly oppose the Russian aggression