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Baltic Sea Youth Spring Event 2022 in Drøbak Norway

After two years of Corona breakthe BSSSC youth could finally meet again!

Photos: Kristian Singh-Nergård

Youth Event 2022!

The BSSSC loves working with youth because they provide us with new perspectives, clever ideas and solutions - and tons of energy. 

From April 29-1 May in Drøbak, Norway, around 25 youths from the BSSSC Youth Network met to discuss environment and maritime issues. Listen to the presentation of the Norwegian model with regional youth councils from the perspective of youth and from a politician in the regional council. We had a working session on youth participation – how to make it work, what is important and what to achieve.  



The County Major Roger Ryberg himself gave the opening speech. Also present as a distinguished guest was Olav Berstad from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affair.


The main topics were the ecological situation in the Oslo Fjord and youth participation in the Baltic Sea.

We were also able to play a geo-cashing on the island of Oscarsborg and try our hand at net fishing on the beach.


In addition, the young people from 5 nations have made short videos about the environment and drafted a resolution about the future of youth work in the Baltic Sea region.

The implementation will take place until the next Annual Conference in October in the Klaipeda region. The meeting was a great joy for everyone after the Corona break and the value of direct youth contact was palpable in every second!

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