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6th BSSSC Annual Conference
22-24 October 1998, Roskilde (Denmark)
The 6th annual conference of the BSSSC convened in Roskilde, Denmark, on October 22 to 24, 1998 on the invitation of the 6 Danish county councils, Roskilde, Copenhagen, Storstrom, West Zealand, Frederiksborg, and Bornholm.
The Conference had participation from the subregions, cities and government representatives from the Baltic Sea States - Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden, as well as the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS), the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO), the European Commission and organisations such as Union of Baltic Cities (UBC), Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce (BCCA), Baltic Sea Commission (CPMR), Nordic Council, Helcom, and
Baltic Tourism Commission (BTC).
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