19th BSSSC Annual Conference
5-7 October 2011, Szczecin (Poland)
The 19th BSSSC Annual Conference was held on 5-7 October in Szczecin, Poland under the title of “the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the Cohesion Policy – expectations and the role of the regions in the BSR”. The event was organized and hosted by the Westpomeranian Region which currently is leading the BSSSC.
Over 200 participants, including BSR stakeholders, political representatives of the regions and major EU bodies had the opportunity to take part in 3 thematic sessions-debates (on EU Strategy for the BSR, cohesion policy and financing the future of BSR cooperation) and 4 parallel workshops, devoted respectively to the issues of: territorial cohesion, co-operation between cities and rural areas, science, education and innovation and social cohesion and voluntary work. As with tradition, the conference was proceeded by the BSSSC Board meeting, in which the 2011 BSSSC Resolution was adopted. The conference, with its significance for the Baltic Sea macro region, was also an opportunity for its participants to establish contacts, and exchange regional experiences, ideas and knowledge (particularly concerning the possibilities of acquiring the means for initiatives and projects).
In addition a concept of next year's annual conference was briefly presented. The 2012 Annual Conference will be hosted by the Eastern Norway County Network and the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development. The event will be organized on 17-20 September 2012 in Lillestrom (Oslo Region) back-to-back with the Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference 2012.